Statement of support for the people of Ukraine

Like so many of you, I am horrified by Russia’s brutal attack on Ukraine, a sovereign country – the first such attack on European soil since World War II. And I am gutted by the senseless tragedy unfolding there and loss of innocent lives. I express my deepest sympathy to the Ukrainian people: those who have lost loved ones, those who are injured, those who are fighting so bravely to defend their country, those who are fleeing or hiding to escape Russian bombs.

Maryam Golnaraghi on InsuranceERM's 'Most Influential on Climate Change' list

InsuranceERM has announced its first 'Most Influential on Climate Change' list, and we congratulate Maryam Golnaraghi, Director Climate Change & Emerging Environmental Topics, for inclusion in this prestigious cadre of people 'leading and shaping the insurance sector's response to climate change'.

Insurance Business: The Geneva Association highlights the role of collaboration between cyber insurers

When it comes to insuring cyber risks, what is categorised as cyber and what the insurance market covers and faces in terms of risk and opportunities is changing at lightning speed, making collaboration increasingly important.

Cross-sectoral collaboration on cyber also promotes a better understanding of cyber by insurers, with benefits for the industry and society alike.

Insurance Business discussed the role of collaboration in cyber insurance, and the GA's initiatives to drive cooperation, with Rachel Anne Carter, Director Cyber.

Remembering Orio Giarini, founding Secretary General of The Geneva Association

The Geneva Association mourns the passing of Orio Giarini, Secretary General of our organisation from 1973–2000, who died on Friday, 28 February 2020 in Trieste, Italy at the age of 84.

Orio will be remembered as a passionate and energetic leader and thinker, full of forward-looking ideas on the role of insurance in the economy and society and sustainable development. It was he who conceived, together with Fabio Padoa Schioppa, Raymond Barre and a small group of insurance executives, to establish The Geneva Association as a think tank devoted to the study of risks and insurance.

Technology is delivering convenience to insurance purchasers | Peter Schaefer, CEO, Hannover Re Life U.S.

Life insurers are constantly devising ways to update their products and customer interface to reflect what customers want.

Peter Schaefer, CEO Hannover Re Life U.S., spoke to The Geneva Association at its 2019 Global Ageing Conference about the potential for technology to help life insurers reach more segments of the population and how far technology could go to transform the industry.


Ronald Klein: Thank you for speaking with us here at the 16th Global Ageing Conference, hosted by RGA.

How the opioid crisis is impacting longevity trends | Dale Hall, Society of Actuaries

The Geneva Association’s Global Ageing Conference is held against the backdrop of increasing proportions of old-age populations around the world. Yet, in the U.S. at least, overall life expectancy is declining, largely due to mortality linked to opioid abuse.

Dale Hall, Managing Director of Research, Society of Actuaries, gave us a break-down on the relationship between mortality and longevity rates.


Building a purpose-driven business through pension-risk transfer | Amy Kessler, Prudential Retirement

Employer-funded pensions, known as defined-benefit pension plans, have long been on the decline. By taking on employer pension liabilities through pension-risk transfer, insurers are bringing value to companies and individuals and realizing important growth opportunities for their businesses.

Usage-based underwriting is much more accurate | Curtis Scott, Vice President, Global Risk, Lyft

How do insurers approach underwriting in the sharing economy space? Curtis Scott, Vice President, Global Risk at Lyft, spoke with Geneva Association collaborating expert, Ronnie Klein, about the benefits for customers, insurers and platforms alike with individualised pricing.

Financial protection against extreme events not a single sector problem; it's an all-of-society problem | CBC interview

Maryam Golnaraghi, Director Climate Change and Emerging Environmental Topics, recently spoke with Sarah Lawrynuik of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) about insurance responses to extreme weather events:

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